Monday, June 11, 2012

Final Assignment: Reflection

Take the time to reflect, in a Google Doc (share with, on what you have learned this semester in Communication and Media studies. Does anything stand out to you? Has it changed the way you look at media and communication? Or was it a repeat of things you already know?

While you're taking the time to self-evaluate, also evaluate the course.

Is it something you would recommend to other students?
How would you make it better?

Finally: how do you plan to move forward as an active participant in media as you grow and develop in life?

Thanks for a great semester. I truly enjoyed teaching this class and working with all of you!

Have a great summer!

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012

Use today to catch up on any missed assignments.

If you are all caught up... work on a media journal in Google Docs.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

One of the main points of everything we have studied this semester in Communication and Media is that you must engage actively with the media, rather than just being a passive receiver.

In a Google Doc -- write a journal entry about what this means to you? How can you actively engage in the media? Why could it be a bad thing to be a passive receiver? Why is it important to actively engage? To ask "why"?

Share your doc with me at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Humor in media

What is the purpose of humor in media?

Can making a joke about something be similar to criticizing it? How?

In a Google Doc:
1. Define SATIRE
2. Find an example of satire -- What is it making fun of? What point is it making? Is it fair? Unfair? Why?

Create your own piece of satire with a paragraph explaining it.