Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy first day of Spring!

Media and Messages
What do media tell us about culture? Society? Ourselves?

When analyzing a piece of media we often refer to it as a "text". In analysis any form of media can be a text, not just print media.

For example, "Jersey Shore" can be a text (and can be analyzed from many points of view). Justin Bieber's body of work can be treated as a text. Things like this, while seemingly trivial, are perfect for analysis because they bring up so many "why" questions -- why is it popular, why does it make money, why do people care? etc....

By analyzing media texts we learn about our culture and ourselves. Have at it.

Use the internet to research any piece of media that you feel has a strong message. Answer the questions below:

 and, as always, analyze the heck out of it:

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