Monday, June 11, 2012

Final Assignment: Reflection

Take the time to reflect, in a Google Doc (share with, on what you have learned this semester in Communication and Media studies. Does anything stand out to you? Has it changed the way you look at media and communication? Or was it a repeat of things you already know?

While you're taking the time to self-evaluate, also evaluate the course.

Is it something you would recommend to other students?
How would you make it better?

Finally: how do you plan to move forward as an active participant in media as you grow and develop in life?

Thanks for a great semester. I truly enjoyed teaching this class and working with all of you!

Have a great summer!

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012

Use today to catch up on any missed assignments.

If you are all caught up... work on a media journal in Google Docs.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

One of the main points of everything we have studied this semester in Communication and Media is that you must engage actively with the media, rather than just being a passive receiver.

In a Google Doc -- write a journal entry about what this means to you? How can you actively engage in the media? Why could it be a bad thing to be a passive receiver? Why is it important to actively engage? To ask "why"?

Share your doc with me at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Humor in media

What is the purpose of humor in media?

Can making a joke about something be similar to criticizing it? How?

In a Google Doc:
1. Define SATIRE
2. Find an example of satire -- What is it making fun of? What point is it making? Is it fair? Unfair? Why?

Create your own piece of satire with a paragraph explaining it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Continue with a daily media journal in Google Docs.


Media criticism is in an undeveloped state, today, largely because the mainstream media allows virtually no open discussion of the subject. Some criticism that does get to the public, of course, but most of it is corrupted by the same forces that have turned the rest of the media into a source of manipulation.The selections below attempt to correct this conspiracy of silence by offering readers an introduction to the field that will allow them to see the larger trends that define much of the media. The selections focus on the following characteristics of contemporary culture and society:* The fact that all centers of power today rely on media and that all use sensory manipulations and simulations, along with story lines, rhetoric, and performances to sell audiences products, candidates and ideas.* The fact that most media, today, from news to advertising, rely on spectacle, simplification and exaggeration to grab and hold audiences.* The fact that the news media has become a part of the power and economic system that it is supposed to report on. Instead of standing at a distance from events and trying to provide an accurate account, all too often it is just another inside player manipulating information for its own ends. This not only means that media companies have a conflict of interest but also that journalists who would prefer to be honest end up subordinating themselves to those in power in their own organizations and shaping their coverage accordingly. It also means that media criticism that isn't afraid to report on what is taking place is now essential to the maintenance of democracy.* The fact that much of media is beset by idealization and demonization in which media manipulators depict themselves and their allies as heroes and saints, and their opponents or targets as villains, fools and disturbed characters, both to create exciting stories and win battles.* The fact that the media today is pervaded by missing information. What is missing is precisely the information above, which would discredit the system and result in reforms that would lock out many of those who now work the system for their own benefit.* The fact that all media today is a form of action. Stories, rhetoric, sensory images and manipulated impressions are all efforts to influence people's perceptions and action, evoke fears and desires, and play to values. The omission of information from the media is a form of action, as well.* Finally, the fact that the media today is also full of efforts to get at the truth, which are often disguised or limited in various ways. Many of these efforts to tell the public the truth can be found in the fictions of movies and television which openly depict the con artist culture we now live in and the corruption of the media.These propositions have to form the core of any theory of media criticism and any theory that seeks to describe contemporary society. The following selections are intended to provide overviews that will introduce and expand on these ideas.

What is your reaction to this?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If you did not do so on Friday:

Read this presentation and write a response on Google Docs:

Otherwise: Begin a media journal on Google Documents. Using analytic techniques from this class, write down observations you have on media and communication -- you can write about film, tv, music, advertising, etc. Or you could write about types of communication that you've encountered.

Make sure you share with so that I can provide feedback.

Here are some articles if you need food for thought:

Read this presentation and write a response on Google Docs:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Read this presentation and write a response on Google Docs:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Deconstructing Media

When we deconstruct something we break it into smaller pieces and analyze how it is made. For instance, if you were to deconstruct a computer you would take it apart, piece by piece, and look at each piece to see how it fits together as a whole. You would see how the processor connects to the motherboard, and how the video card connects to the monitor, etc.

When we deconstruct media we use the same idea. For instance, we can deconstruct advertisements by looking at the symbols they use and analyzing how the symbols give the ad meaning. We can deconstruct a film or television show by looking at camera angles, lighting, etc. Each element of media affects its meaning.

Below is a chart that shows some of the elements of advertising. Read the chart and analyze an advertisement using elements from the chart. Start by focusing on one element. The narrower your focus, the more deeply you can analyze.

Answer on a Google Doc and share with

Questions to consider in your analysis:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Continue working on spoof advertisements. Remember: they must be advertising something. Here are some more examples:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Your mission: create a spoof advertisement using images or other drawing tools on the internet.


Create a spoof advertisement by hand, type old school.


Write a critique of an advertisement you found.

Send it to
or share it as a Google Doc with

for examples and ideas do a Google search for "spoof advertisements", "culture jamming", "adbusters".

May The Force be with you.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lesson: Friday, Friday, FRIDAY!, May 18, 2012

Your mission: create a spoof advertisement using images or other drawing tools on the internet.


Create a spoof advertisement by hand, type old school.


Write a critique of an advertisement you found.

Send it to
or share it as a Google Doc with

for examples and ideas do a Google search for "spoof advertisements", "culture jamming", "adbusters".

May The Force be with you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rebellion against advertising and consumer culture:

What are some ways that you see people rebel against the ads they see in the media?

Use this period to research ways people rebel against advertising.

Some examples may use commentary, parody, protest, etc.

Compile some samples into a presentation on Google Docs.

Then share with

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Use yesterday's advertising analysis form to analyze the ads below.





Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Complete the assignment below. Don't forget to click submit!
You can do as many as you want. After you submit, refresh the page for a new form.
Rock on!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday: May 11, 2012

Used today to catch up on this week's assignments. Make sure you have e-mailed or shared your responses with me on Google Docs.

I will look over your response and provide feedback.

As you work contemplate this question: are the techniques innovated by Edward Bernays and modern advertisers necessary? Overall are they harmful or helpful to society? What are your thoughts?

Rock on!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Carefully study the ads shown here: do the older ads have in common? What do you see as the most fundamental differences between the old and new? The newer advertising strategies have been developed through a great amount of research that shows them to be more effective. Why do you think their strategies might be more effective than the old?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, May 3, 2012

Continue with targeted-marketing magazine project.

As you are choosing advertisements to place in your magazine, think about the symbols used in the ads. Why do you think they used these symbols?

Also, create, using images from the web, your own advertisements. Think carefully about the symbols you use.

Write a 1-2 paragraph statement about the symbolism used in your advertisements (both the ones you chose, and the ones you created).

Lesson: Thursday, May 3, 2012

Continue with targeted-marketing magazine project.

As you are choosing advertisements to place in your magazine, think about the symbols used in the ads. Why do you think they used these symbols?

Also, create, using images from the web, your own advertisements. Think carefully about the symbols you use.

Write a 1-2 paragraph statement about the symbolism used in your advertisements (both the ones you chose, and the ones you created).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Continue working on your targeted-marketing magazine idea.

On your document give examples of the type of articles you would feature.

Also, what type of advertisements do you think would run in your magazine?

Search the internet for magazine advertisements and images that you would feature in your magazine. Add these images to your document.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Lesson: Monday, April 30, 2012

Target Marketing

Read this article first:

Can you think of any times when you have noticed targeted marketing in the media?


Come up with an idea for a new magazine that targets an untapped, niche market. What would appear on the cover? What features would appeal to this demographic group while also appealing to companies that might advertise? Design a cover page for a sample issue, listing examples of key stories, promotions, and other items that might draw readers in. A simple drawing is all you need to illustrate the magazine covers or advertisements. You can either sketch it out by hand or put something together on the computer—whatever you prefer. Describe the thinking behind your decisions in 1-2 paragraphs.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, April 26, 2012

Media & Identity


  1. Of undisputed origin; genuine: "authentic 14th-century furniture".
  2. Made or done in the traditional or original way: "authentic Italian meals".

In other words, "real".

Think about what we have studied about the mass media so far. Overall, do you think the media is authentic or inauthentic?

What is something or who is someone in the mass media who you consider to be authentic?

Create a Google doc symbolizing your authenticity. What makes you, YOU? It can be an essay, a collage, a presentation, etc.

You can use images from the web, text, writing, drawings, etc.

Start your document today and share it with

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finish yesterday's lesson on "The Merchants of Cool."

When you finish, read "What teens think" at this link:

After that, read the media reaction to "Merchants of Cool" at this link:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Watch excerpts from PBS's "Merchants of Cool" and explore the links on its website.
When finished, answer the following questions:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lesson: Monday, April 23, 2012

Continue working on last week's assignment:

Research a media network you watch (example: NBC, ABC, MTV)
Who owns the network?
What else does the company own?
How do you think the company's business affects the media they produce? Be as descriptive as possible. Dig as deeply as you can.
Here is a good place to start:

Use the form below to submit your answers.


  1. A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.


The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the...: "the synergy between artist and record company"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lesson: April 19, 2012

  1. Complete project
  2. If you are finished with project, research a media network you watch (example: NBC, ABC, MTV)
    1. Who owns the network?
    2. What else does the company own?
    3. How do you think the company's business affects the media they produce? Be as descriptive as possible. Dig as deeply as you can.
Here is a good place to start:

Respond in a Google Doc and share with

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lesson: April 18, 2012

"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

What do you think this means?

Do you agree or disagree? Why/why not?

How do you think this quote applies to Media Studies?

How do you think this quote applies to life in general?

Formulate a response in Google Docs and share your response with

Monday, April 16, 2012

Media ownership...

GE owns NBC.

Link: End the Free Ride! | AFSCME:

Lesson: Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome back!

Take one piece of media you watched/experienced over the break and analyze it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Continue working on project:

In Google Docs create a drawing, document, or presentation brainstorming ideas for a presentation on how the media extend our bodies. You can be as visual and creative as you like. Possible ideas:
  • create a poster describing how media extend our bodies
  • make a public service announcement to make people aware of how the media change their environments
  • create a visual representation of how a certain technology extends our physical body (example: a car as an extension of our legs...)
Go to and get to it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, March 29, 2012

In Google Docs create a drawing, document, or presentation brainstorming ideas for a presentation on how the media extend our bodies. You can be as visual and creative as you like. Possible ideas:

Get portable Chrome at this link, so that you can utilize Google Docs' presentation and drawing modes (if you wish).
  • create a poster describing how media extend our bodies
  • make a public service announcement to make people aware of how the media change their environments
  • create a visual representation of how a certain technology extends our physical body (example: a car as an extension of our legs...)

Set up an account at to create your project.

For now, focus on brainstorming ideas.

Go to and get to it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Aim: What is "Media Ecology"?

In Google Docs create a drawing, document, or presentation brainstorming ideas for a presentation on how the media extend our bodies. You can be as visual and creative as you like. Possible ideas:

  • create a poster describing how media extend our bodies
  • make a public service announcement to make people aware of how the media change their environments
  • create a visual representation of how a certain technology extends our physical body (example: a car as an extension of our legs...)

For now, focus on brainstorming ideas.

Go to and get to it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Aim: How do media technologies help us to transcend our physical bodies?

All communication media help us do this:


"Every society is shaped by its technological or media arrangement."

Monday, March 26, 2012

Lesson: Monday, March 26, 2012

Choose one medium (technology that has enhanced our ability to communicate) and research it on the internet. Answer the questions below and submit.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lesson: Friday, March 23, 2012

Utopia or Dystopia? (or somewhere-in-between-topia...)

Use the vast knowledge base of the internet to research and answer these questions.

Also, if you haven't created a Gmail account and sent an e-mail to, please do so.

Do not click this really important link!

Really important LINK

Don't do it!

You've been warned!


McLuhan and Postman and the iMEDIAte future...

(see what I did there?)

Marshall McLuhan is considered by some to be the father of modern media studies. Read some of what he had to say about media's role in our lives:

Neil Postman was an educator, professor and innovator in the field of media studies as well. He was influenced by McLuhan, but also had some distinct ideas of his own. I was lucky enough to be a student of his when I was in college. Read some of what he had to say about media in our lives:


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, March 22, 2012

Read the article in the post below (about the new Nokia invention) and answer the questions (and submit).

When finished, create a (free) gmail account if you don't have one.
This will give you access to (among other things) Google Docs and Blogger, which you will need for this class.

Once you have an account, send an e-mail to

Rock on!

Vibrating Tattoo Patented By Nokia Alerts Users When Phone Rings

Is this too much? Or is it just the natural evolution of our relationship with media technology?

Vibrating Tattoo Patented By Nokia Alerts Users When Phone Rings:

Finnish mobile phone developer Nokia hasfiled for a patent on a magnetic, vibrating tattoo or badge that alerts users when their phones are ringing.
According to the official patent filing, the apparatus would be able to detect a magnetic field and transfer a "perceivable stimulus" to users. The device could notify people about an incoming call, text or dead battery.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Found a great website called "Don't Buy It" on PBS Kids website. Some of the images and examples might seem corny, but give it a chance. They make some interesting points about the media.

Follow through these interactive pages:

When you are finished, check this out:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lesson: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy first day of Spring!

Media and Messages
What do media tell us about culture? Society? Ourselves?

When analyzing a piece of media we often refer to it as a "text". In analysis any form of media can be a text, not just print media.

For example, "Jersey Shore" can be a text (and can be analyzed from many points of view). Justin Bieber's body of work can be treated as a text. Things like this, while seemingly trivial, are perfect for analysis because they bring up so many "why" questions -- why is it popular, why does it make money, why do people care? etc....

By analyzing media texts we learn about our culture and ourselves. Have at it.

Use the internet to research any piece of media that you feel has a strong message. Answer the questions below:

 and, as always, analyze the heck out of it:

Media news today....

Apple's making a ton of cash:

Apple sells three million new Ipads (via The Inquirer)
SELLER OF SHINY ITHINGS Apple claims to have already sold three million of its latest Ipad models. Yesterday saw the firm announce what it will do with its cash hoard of $100bn, but it saved the news about how many Ipads it sold in the three days since launch until later. "The new Ipad is a blockbuster…

Friday, March 16, 2012

As Rebecca Black says, it's Friday, it's Friday.
Yesterday was Thursday
Today it is Friday
We we we we so excited.... We so excited...

You're welcome.

Use today to finish up any of this week's assignments. If you are completely finished with those, research any piece of media -- if you're stuck, I can help you find something on the web (perhaps a news article).

Use the media analysis form to record your responses.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lesson: Thursday, March 15, 2012. Just do it.

"Advertising signs they con
You into thinking you’re the one
That can do what’s never been done
That can win what’s never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you..."
-Bob Dylan "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" 1965

Now get to it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Who owns the media?

(and why does it matter?)

Here are some interesting charts that show the various corporations that own the media.
This is an ever-changing world, so even though these charts were made in the last few years, there may have been changes since.

Click the images to enlarge...

.PDF Version that is easier to read here.

Also, check out this interactive Media Ownership Chart.

This is so very cool...


Lesson: Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do Now:
When most students are asked, "why are you in school?" they generally give the same answer: "to learn".

But what does that mean?

Use the web to research background information about a piece of media you are analyzing.

See how much information you can get -- how deep you can go when answering questions like, "who paid for this?" or "who is the target audience?"

The internet can be your friend. Use it to unearth facts.

Use the media analysis form here.

Happy Pi Day!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And he was like, "Baby, Baby, Baby, Noooo"

Michael Nuanes, Denver Police Officer, Claims Girlfriend Attacked Him With Justin Bieber Doll In Domestic Abuse Case

Lesson: Tuesday, March 13, 2012

  1. Fill out the Media Usage Survey here
  2. Choose any piece of media (song, book, movie, show, new article, news show, game, etc.) and answer the questions for analysis here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

iPads are flying off the shelves. What are the implications?

Is it worth the hype?

Why Aren't There Enough iPads to Go Around? - DailyFinance:

There are a few potential culprits for iPad supply shortages, including the fact that the tablet is seeing an aggressive global rollout on launch day that spans the United States, Canada, Japan, and much of Europe, among others. An additional 25 countries make the list a week after that, so Apple needs to reserve some units for every country.
The likelier cause is that the device's biggest selling point, the new Retina Display, is causing production bottlenecks and limiting supply as panel suppliers have difficulties ramping up yields. According to NPD Group's DisplaySearch, Apple is tapping three separate display suppliers: Samsung, LG Display (NYS: LPL) , and Sharp. DisplaySearch analyst Richard Shim says the high-resolution panel is presenting manufacturing challenges.

Obama Approval Rating Down in New York Times/CBS Poll -

What are approval ratings and why are they important?

Obama Approval Rating Down in New York Times/CBS Poll -

How to Determine If a Charity Like Kony 2012 Is Worth Your Money

How to Determine If a Charity Like Kony 2012 Is Worth Your Money: "

How to Determine If a Charity Like Kony 2012 Is Worth Your Money

Oil find sparks new hope for Uganda's people | World news | The Guardian

Article from August of 2009 --

Oil find sparks new hope for Uganda's people | World news | The Guardian: "Oil find sparks new hope for Uganda's people
Vast discovery could transform the economy – but only if managed well

Is there any connection between this and Invisible Children?

Why would it be advantages for the U.S. to have a military presence in this region?

Has Obama Just Kicked Off Another Oil War -- This Time in Africa? | Environment | AlterNet

Has Obama Just Kicked Off Another Oil War -- This Time in Africa? | Environment | AlterNet:

'via Blog this'

Key Questions

Marshall McLuhan

The year 2011 marked Marshall McLuhan’s 100th birthday. For more than half a century, his thoughts have been hotly debated, discussed, and interpreted in myriad ways. Yet very few people have actually heard McLuhan speak. They have not had the opportunity to see and hear him explain what he meant by his best-known sayings, “The medium is the message,” “global village,” and others.Today, a historic opportunity begins for the whole world to hear what he said and what he meant simply by going to the Internet — a medium that he himself presaged almost five decades ago.Start with Tom Wolfe’s introduction to the man he brought to public attention and savour McLuhan’s sayings, prophecies, and insights on the electric age, television, and, yes, even himself. You will hear McLuhan talking directly to you.
The medium is the message.