Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lesson: Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Deconstructing Media

When we deconstruct something we break it into smaller pieces and analyze how it is made. For instance, if you were to deconstruct a computer you would take it apart, piece by piece, and look at each piece to see how it fits together as a whole. You would see how the processor connects to the motherboard, and how the video card connects to the monitor, etc.

When we deconstruct media we use the same idea. For instance, we can deconstruct advertisements by looking at the symbols they use and analyzing how the symbols give the ad meaning. We can deconstruct a film or television show by looking at camera angles, lighting, etc. Each element of media affects its meaning.

Below is a chart that shows some of the elements of advertising. Read the chart and analyze an advertisement using elements from the chart. Start by focusing on one element. The narrower your focus, the more deeply you can analyze.

Answer on a Google Doc and share with

Questions to consider in your analysis:

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